Last updated on: 3/30/2023 | Author:

Campaign Photo Analysis Lesson Plan

The lesson plan below is intended to work with elections covered by ProCon, but may be adapted to work with other elections.


Students will choose and analyze a candidate photo.

Students will:

  • learn to objectively describe an image
  • learn to emotionally interpret a photo
  • learn to formally analyze an image


  • election coverage


  • Teachers may want to choose photos for students.
  • This assignment may be completed in class or as homework


  1. Using the photos of the candidates on, students should select one image to analyze using the following steps:
    a. Describe the photo objectively: For example: What or who is in the photo? Where in the photo is the candidate? How much space does the candidate take up in the photo? What colors are used? Textures? Etc.
    b. Reflect on the photo, describing emotions and interpretations of the photo subjectively: How does the photo make you feel? What about the photo makes you feel that way? For example, a photo of an exuberantly smiling candidate with happy children might make you feel hopeful for that candidate’s education policies or just that the candidate seems friendly. Are any of your reactions based on preconceived notions or biases?
    c. Formal analysis: This section can take a few forms (or a combination).
    i. Have students analyze the formal properties of the photo as a piece of art.
    ii. Have students analyze the photo as effective or ineffective campaign material.
    iii. Have students analyze what the candidate is trying to express with the photo.
  2. Add-On Tasks:
    a. Have students consider what sorts of photos they would use if they were running for president.
    b. A photography class, or a class with access to cameras, could create a press kit of photos, using themselves, a friend or family member, or another classmates as the candidate. The photos should be accompanied by an explanation of why they would use their set of photos for a candidate; this could be an oral presentation including a photo slideshow, or a written component accompanied by digital or printed photos.
    Source: J. Paul Getty Museum, “Analyzing Photographs,” (accessed Dec. 4, 2019)


  • Ability to analyze photos
  • Quality of writing